Inburgering Part 2: Listening & Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij

Time to prepare for the second and third inburgering exams! 

    In a previous post, I recommended three sites where you could practice the reading test. (If you haven't read it, click here.) Today I will share the sites and material I'll be using to practice luisteren and Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij. 

What I have found so far on luisteren:
  1. NT2TaalmenuNL. This offers A2 exercises, from beginners to advanced. I haven't played with it much yet. I would definitely think I am a beginner. 
  2. Inburgeren. As said before, it is the official site for practicing. It has 5 exercises. I have done the first and I felt it was...easy! 
  3. Virtueletraining. If you get the hang of it, it could be super helpful! This site includes the Inburgeren link and additional exercises. For the second you:
    1. Scroll down and find "Over het luisterexamen".
    2. On the right, look for "Extra luisteren".
    3. Click on "Luisterfragmenten" for the videos with the listening.
    4. Click on "Werkboek 1" for the questions to the videos.
    5. Click on "Transcripten deel 2" in order to read the transcript. (I would leave this one only to check the answers at the end.)
I've registered to take the test on March 11th. If you have done the test and can share other websites that could be useful, please do so! I and all the future lucky ones taking the inburgering will appreciate it!

Additionally, I'm starting to study for what would be my third exam, Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij, mainly using the book Welkom in Nederland (borrowed from Bibliotheek Eindhoven). Is someone out there who has additional suggestions besides the book, virtueletraining and Inburgeren sites? Please share with the hungry learners! We will be super thankful!

Well, enough about studying! For the next post, I promise we'll have fun exploring nice Dutch delicious and healthy cooking websites! 

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