Bluetooth and Artificial Organs: Dutch Inventors!

It's 6:30 am. I'm merrily biking to the pool. Merrily, happily, sleepy and all. It's dark and chilly. I love dark and chilly and quiet, rustig . There's mist everywhere. It feels as if I were interrupting someone's spell. While at it, I'm listening to a Dutch podcast, Zeg Het in Het Nederlands. ( We've talked about it before . ) It's episode #11. It includes the story behind the Bluetooth, and I think to myself..." what a wonderful world... " Just kidding! I do think, " How interesting. Just now my earphones are connected via Bluetooth to my phone, and the app Schwung is using the same technology as well. " Later, after having swum, taught, cleaned and cooked, I asked my sweetheart, " Did you know a Dutch guy invented the Bluetooth? " He said it didn't sound like it. He said maybe a Danish. At first, I hesitated since my Dutch is not so good ( een beetje slecht ) and many, many times I do get things wro...