Modern Love: A TV Series Recommendation

I'm not a big tv series fan for reasons I won't go into because I could most probably be misunderstood. Even so, sometimes there is this one show or episode that touches me in unexpected ways. Modern Love has just done that and I'll tell you why I recommend you watch it. First, I'd like to start by telling you a little more about where the TV series comes from. It's based on a weekly column of personal essays published in the New York Times. There is also a podcast , of which I've been a fan for some years now. In it, you can listen to renowned actors reading the essays, followed by a conversation with the essay's writer. But let's get back to the TV show. Episode 2 begins with an interview coming to an end, between journalist Julie (Catherine Keener) and dating app CEO Joshua (Dev Patel) . A t this point is when the story really takes off by Julie asking him if he has ever been in love and, oh holy cow, here it comes. They're in ...