Book Review: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami and A One Thousand Leaves Cake

If you've tasted, or at least seen a one thousand leaves cake, then you can get a picture of what The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle book is like, with only one difference. To start with, both have a thousand layers, one on top of the other and endlessly going on. The difference is that when tasting the cake, you take a bite and savor its layers; whereas, in the book, you might read it one time and get a sense of the layers of stories created by the writer, but once you go for it a second time, you realize how little you really understood on that first round! That's why I not only read this book but later listened to it, in order to feel I was ready to share my opinion which is: If you like scrumptious thousand leaves cakes, you should definitely try this one! And if you'd like whipped cream on top, then accompany your reading with one of Spotify's playlists based on the songs mentioned in the book (more info coming). The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami is a sci-f...