My Fight with Loneliness

My sister is 8259.17 km from me or I from her. It depends who you ask, doesn't it? I have been missing her. A lot. Especially when she sent me the photo of her new tattoo: Two stars. One purple, one blue. Our favorite colors. The tattoo represents us, blood sisters. How far I felt! Sometimes, how lonely! And then, I remembered one of her posts on social media: Obviously, the message of this phrase will depend on what you want it to mean to you. As the teacher in me, I would think of it as this: If you really want ______________ , you will ______________ ____________ . If you don't, you will find an excuse. Here, the homework begins: What does one really want? What is the point in all we do? Anyway, to make the long story short, I decided to focus on the element that has me struggling at the present: Loneliness. First, one must define it in order to understand it: "Loneliness creates a deep psychological wound, one that distorts our perceptions...