Stressed Out & Out of Service

Wouldn't it be wonderful to plug oneself into a computer, run a scan, detect errors and fix them? My report would probably say, body overload, brain overload, heart overload, and contents spilling down the muscles. Back muscles. Beware of severe damage!
Unfortunately, this technology is not available at my home and I couldn't prevent the damage: I have been out of order from PostNL for almost a week. Needless to say how I feel since this is my last month with my dear colleagues.
What the hell happened?! An overload, of course! Now, let's try to find the beauty in this because I do have many happy projects going on... Our bodies are like computers, and if they need to talk to us, they will. In this case, I am being told to sit still, review body, brain and heart activity, re-design plans, and reboot!
Here comes the tricky part. One must stop avoiding. One must confront oneself. I know, and I forget: One cannot have it all. All cannot, and maybe shouldn't, be perfect. Work with what you have. Embrace the now. Life is an instant.
What will the strategy be? Go to the physiotherapist today, and embrace my imperfect self and life. And, for goodness sake, relax!
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