You are a house manager. Now, cook!

"We are not housewives." This is what I tell my students when they talk about missing the good old days back in their country, not having to be in charge of the house. I say, " We are not housewives. We are house managers!" House managers? What the heck does that mean?! A house manager keeps the house in pristine shape and the meals yummy enough to have the husband/wife coming back happily from work every day. (My darling keeps saying, while having dinner, "This is delicious, I should recommend you!" To what I always reply, "Please don't!" ) A house manager runs this activity as a side business because he/she must focus on figuring out who he/she is, what he/she is doing in this country, and how he/she will prevail in reaching a blissful spiritual state. How can one seize such a tough and arduous goal? There are many ways, I suppose. In my experience: During blue periods, make sure you have wise friends to talk to. You feel...