My Ten Must-Have doTERRA Oils - Part 2
Last week, we had the opportunity of exploring five of my ten favorite essential oils: Breathe, Citrus Bliss, Deep Blue Rub, Lavender, and Lemon. Today, I will tell you about the other five that complete the list: Melaleuca, On Guard, Oregano, Peppermint, and Serenity.
Melaleuca has more than 92 different compounds. As a result, its applications are unlimited! I use it on cuts or if there is some kind of skin irritation since it promotes quick recovery. When having an earache,
apply it around the ear and, voila! Oh, and between your toes it works miracles! One more tip: Just as lavender, I sometimes use it on my underwear.
On Guard
On Guard is one of doTERRA's best-selling blends because of its immune support. It contains wild orange peel, clove bud, cinnamon leaf, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaf, and rosemary leaf/flower essential oils. I own two presentations: essential oil and toothpaste. I mostly use the oil in four different ways:
1. One drop a day to boost my immune system during the winter. 2. With water as a mouthwash. 3. In a veggie cap when I feel a cold wants to make me company. 4. For purifying the air, add to the diffuser.

About the toothpaste, I can't really explain. My first one was a gift from my sister. Later, when I ran out if it, I used a regular toothpaste we had at home. One week later, I was ordering thedoTERRA again because my gums and teeth just didn't feel the same.
Because of its powerful antioxidants, oregano is a wonderful alternative to boost your immune function. It is super strong so you must be careful when handling it. I add it to veggie caps when needing to fight a bad cold or having respiratory problems. Asmelaleuca , it can be combined with coconut oil for treating athlete's foot.
Considered one of the top three oils, the other two being lavender and lemon, peppermint has four main uses: mouth hygiene, respiratory function, digestive health, and natural bug repellent. I almost bathe in it when having a cold (rub it on neck, back, feet, and add to the diffuser), even put on my scarf when leaving the house. When dizzy, inhale it. For bloating, I take a drop every little while until I feel better. Headache? Combine with coconut oil and rub it on your temples.

For nice, crisp breath , I always carry a dram vial or doTERRA beadlets with me.
Serenity is a restful blend. It's calming, relaxing, and the perfect aid when looking for a peaceful night's sleep. It is a combination of lavender flower,cedarwood , ho wood leaf, ylang ylang flower, marjoram leaf, Roman
chamomile flower, vetiver root, vanilla bean, and Hawaiian sandalwood wood. When stressed, it calms me down and soothes my anxiety. I have given dram vials to my students for using before taking a flight, when distressed or having trouble falling asleep. In the diffuser it works wonders, and the softgels are my choice when I haven't had a tranquil night and need quality sleep.
To wrap up, essential oils offer a limitless array of possibilities for finding ways to improve your health and well-being. Can't finish without thanking all of you who took the time to read. Ayşenur, my gratitude for persuading me to write about them; and to the students who asked this teacher to hurry up and finish the second post, I appreciate the encouragement.
Take care and tot volgende keer!
On Guard

1. One drop a day to boost my immune system during the winter. 2. With water as a mouthwash. 3. In a veggie cap when I feel a cold wants to make me company. 4. For purifying the air, add to the diffuser.

About the toothpaste, I can't really explain. My first one was a gift from my sister. Later, when I ran out if it, I used a regular toothpaste we had at home. One week later, I was ordering the
Because of its powerful antioxidants, oregano is a wonderful alternative to boost your immune function. It is super strong so you must be careful when handling it. I add it to veggie caps when needing to fight a bad cold or having respiratory problems. As

Serenity is a restful blend. It's calming, relaxing, and the perfect aid when looking for a peaceful night's sleep. It is a combination of lavender flower,
To wrap up, essential oils offer a limitless array of possibilities for finding ways to improve your health and well-being. Can't finish without thanking all of you who took the time to read. Ayşenur, my gratitude for persuading me to write about them; and to the students who asked this teacher to hurry up and finish the second post, I appreciate the encouragement.
Take care and tot volgende keer!