For You: Summer Gifts from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek

EVERY SUMMER, FOR EVERYONE IN THE NETHERLANDS, TWO FREE GIFTS: E-BOOKS AND AUDIOBOOKS Yes! The Koninklijke Bibliotheek promotes summer reading by offering a selection of e-books and audiobooks for free. They are available until September 1st. How can I access the material? You just need to download the apps: LuisterBieb VakantieBieb . What does the LuisterBieb offer? They have books for children, young adults, and adults. For example, I chose a quite new book (2019) called Antoinette by Robbert Welagen. I'm listening to it while biking; and just now, I downloaded the Kindle version so I can read it too. ( I did look for it in the library, but all copies are already taken.) What can I find in the VakantieBieb ? Again, they have a selection for every age. For example, for young people, they are classified by age: 04-06, 06-09, 09-12, 12-15, ...