
Showing posts from July, 2019

For You: Summer Gifts from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek

EVERY SUMMER, FOR EVERYONE IN THE NETHERLANDS, TWO FREE GIFTS: E-BOOKS AND AUDIOBOOKS      Yes! The Koninklijke Bibliotheek promotes summer reading by offering a selection of e-books and  audiobooks  for free. They are available until September 1st. How can I access the material?      You just need to download the apps: LuisterBieb VakantieBieb . What does the LuisterBieb offer?      They have books for children, young adults, and adults. For example, I chose a quite new book (2019) called Antoinette by Robbert Welagen. I'm listening to it while biking; and just now, I downloaded the Kindle version so I can read it too. ( I did look for it in the library, but all copies are already taken.) What can I find in the VakantieBieb ?    Again, they have a selection for every age. For example, for young people, they are classified by age: 04-06, 06-09, 09-12, 12-15, ...

Resources and tips for your Spreken Inburgeringexamen

                S peaking in Dutch can be intimidating if it is something you don't regularly do.   Fortunately, the list of online resources to get ready for the exam are quite many, seriously!        Now, hold on a little. Before we go and open the treasure of goodies, I would like to talk about some tips a friend of mine was kind enough to share (she wishes to remain anonymous): Trust yourself. You might hear others recording their answers. Don't pay attention to them. Focus on what you want to say and record it. Speak with confidence. Shyness is no good company during the recording process. Even if you think it is noisy, your voice should be clear, calm, and sound. Record more than once. If you don't like how the recorded answer sounds, do it again, always being aware of time.      Nice! Many thanks for your patience. We're ready now. Are you sitting down to receive the tre...

Learning Dutch by Reading Magazines: Happinez and Zenleraar Haemin Sunim

      Has it happened to you that when you do something you enjoy, time flies? The task at hand seems easy and ideas flow, do you agree? Well, learning is one example. When you take pleasure in learning, nothing can stop you, just like the song !             As a teacher and a lifelong learner, I follow my heart as to what sources to choose in order to improve my Dutch, get ready for my inburgering exams, and feed my curious mind. I tell this to my students all the time, choose what you like and go from there. As for today, I'd like to share with you some lessons from Zenleraar Haemin Sunim I've found in the latest Happinez magazine ( nummer 4 , 2019,  pp . 22-27). Who is Zenleraar Haemin Sunim?      He is a Zen Buddhist teacher and writer. He is also known as the "Twitter monk" since he has more than 1 million followers.