Learning Dutch by Reading Magazines: Happinez and Zenleraar Haemin Sunim

     Has it happened to you that when you do something you enjoy, time flies? The task at hand seems easy and ideas flow, do you agree? Well, learning is one example. When you take pleasure in learning, nothing can stop you, just like the song! 
     As a teacher and a lifelong learner, I follow my heart as to what sources to choose in order to improve my Dutch, get ready for my inburgering exams, and feed my curious mind. I tell this to my students all the time, choose what you like and go from there. As for today, I'd like to share with you some lessons from Zenleraar Haemin Sunim I've found in the latest Happinez magazine (nummer 4, 2019, pp. 22-27).

Who is Zenleraar Haemin Sunim?
     He is a Zen Buddhist teacher and writer. He is also known as the "Twitter monk" since he has more than 1 million followers. 

Which books has he written?
     The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down and Love for Imperfect Things.  If you would like to explore these titles in English or Dutch, here are the links:
Which ideas had an impact on me while reading the article by Anne Wesseling?
  • The art of reinventing yourself, like moving to a new country or changing careers. He says,
"Maar er komt een punt in je leven dat je gaat inzien dat je identiteit iets is wat je zelf hebt gemaakt. Je hoeft er niet per se aan vast te houden. Je identiteit, het idee over wie je bent, is niet in steen gehouwen, maar plooibaar, veranderlijk, flexibel. Er is ruimte in je hart om te accepteren dat dingen anders kunnen zijn dan je denkt."
"But there comes a point in your life when you come to realize that your identity is something you have made yourself. You don't necessarily have to hold onto it. Your identity, the idea of who you are, is not carved in stone, but pliable, changeable, flexible. There is room in your heart to accept that things can be different than you think." 
  • When feeling anger, go through the whole process in order to heal correctly. About woede,
"Als je te vroeg wilt vergeven, is het of je elke keer het korstje wegkrabt, waardoor de wond open blijft...Je moet anderen niet te snel vergeven, je moet eerst jezelf helen."
"If you want to forgive too soon, it is as if you are scratching away the scab every time, leaving the wound open... You must not forgive others too quickly, you must first heal yourself." 
Where can I find an excerpt from his interview? 
     Happinez has a fragment online that you can read for free. You can find it here.

     Remember, when learning a new language, own it. Find things you like and learn from them, like music, movies, quotes, books, magazines, games, etc. Learning is fun, understanding is heaven!

Tot de volgende keer!


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